Monday 5 September 2011

Finally Feeling Comfortable On My Path

I just realised something - for the first time on my pagan path, I finally feel comfortable knowing that I will never know everything there is to know about Paganism. It is not an easy path to undertake, it is not as simple as other religions where you have a main book or sacred text that everyone agrees holds the correct information. You ask five pagans a question, you get five different answers. And you have to figure out which answer is the correct one. The correct answer is the one that feels right for you, not for anyone else.

Today I realise that there will always be new things to learn about. I often have felt overwhelmed at all the things I do not know about my path and my beliefs. What happens when I die? Which deities should I study and get to know? How best should I celebrate a sabbat? And the amazing thing is, there are many different answers to each question. I just have to learn about them, and see which is right for me. Another amazing thing I've realised, is that these answers can change during the course of my life. What is right for me now, may not be right for me next month, next year, or in the next ten years of my life. My path will always be evolving. And that's ok!

Why shouldn't my beliefs change and adapt with me? Our personal views and opinions are formed by what we see and do, the experiences we have in life. As we go through life, we have new experiences, and as a result, we are bound to see things differently. We are an evolving species, we evolve as individuals too, in our appearance, intelligence, and beliefs too. One massive advantage to my pagan path evolving and changing through my life? I will never be bored. I will always have something new to discover. There will be new ways of doing things, I don't always have to do them the same way. I can celebrate a sabbat in one way this year, and try something new the next year. Depending on what is right for me at the time. There are many many deities to explore and learn about. There is so much to absorb and learn. Many different cultures have honoured many different deities and have many different cultural practices and beliefs. There are so many beautiful things to learn and try.

Now I know I no longer have to afraid of my lack of knowledge. There is no panic to learn everything at once, because I will always be learning. I can take my time, learn the things I am interested in, the things that inspire and move me. What is important to me now? And I can learn that. Right now I'm interested in learning about the Mabon / Autumn Equinox sabbat, the Green Man / Horned God deity, and the Earth Goddess / Moon Goddess. Is she the same person, two different people, or two aspects of the same Goddess? I have the time to learn and discover this for myself in my own time. My path is an inspirational one, it inspires me and makes me feel alive. What's not to love?

Right now, my words of inspiration are related to the Horned God...

"Live Wild and Free, enjoy every moment of being alive."

"And remember, all the strength you will ever need is already inside you."

The God and the Goddess are inside all of us, a part of the light and the dark, male and female, in all of us. I, as well as everyone else, have the divine spark and the inner strength within me, to take on anything I have to deal with in my life. I have the strength and energy of the Horned God within me, I can take on any battle I come across. I feel strong, and safe, for I will never be alone. Cernunnos, Herne, the Horned God, (whatever name you wish to use for him), is a Guardian and protector of all living animals, including us. We are his animals too. And I am grateful for that.

Have a Blessed and Magical Day!

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